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Septic System Installation
We have the equipment to make repairs and do installations for expansive land areas that need to be excavated. The large equipment is efficient for big jobs, allowing us to work quickly at competitive prices.
Conventional LPS
Aerobic Spray
Aerobic Drip
Soil Substitution
Package Plants
STEP Systems
Our smaller equipment allows us to make repairs in hard to reach areas with minimal disruption to your yard, saving you hundreds of dollars. We can also seal existing tanks that have leaks.
We also install:
Brine Pits

Usually, the complete installation process takes 2-3 months. However, if the permit is already secured, completion may only take about 3 weeks.
Design coordination (2 weeks for engineer to complete)
Permit review (about 3-5 weeks depending on county)
Permit issuance–we can now legally begin the installation process and move on-site (usually our install timeline is around 2-3 weeks out, weather permitting)
Dig time/set tank (1 week once we’re on-site, weather permitting)
Operational Inspection (uncovered trenches, holes, etc.)
PSS covers all septic systems once completed
Final Inspection
License To Operate (LTO)
Process and Timeline: Residential Septic System
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